News@st-Chris Vol 2.05/Jan 2014

Jan 082014
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Planning the Future

On Sunday 8 December, Year 9 students met with their Form Tutors to discuss a variety of issues, which may influence or at least inform their GCSE Options choices for Year 10. Students were encouraged to reflect on their own strengths and weaknesses, qualities and attributes and to begin to consider what choices they might make as a result of the Options process. In preparation for this event, students were asked to review and update their Portfolios to celebrate their achievements to-date and to prepare a Curriculum Vitae that, in time, will evolve into a full record of their academic and extra-curricular achievements. Students had been preparing for the event for several weeks, conducting mock interviews and seeking general guidance and advice from their Tutors on how best to present themselves. On the day, students were invited to wear appropriate business dress to further enhance that sense of formality for the occasion. The day was thoroughly enjoyable for students and staff alike and provided an important first step in considering future plans.