News@st-Chris Vol 2.05/Jan 2014

Jan 082014
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The Clash of the Golfers

The St Christopher’s vs Doha College Golf Match was played out over two days. The St Chris Team excelled once again by scoring 398 points, comfortably beating Doha College by 73 points. The Team of eight Golfers all played extremely well to ensure the Team’s victory. Ethan Murray performed outstandingly well, earning a total of 71 points, which secured him the recognition of most outstanding individual performance. Harry Bullman was the winner of Division A, scoring a fantastic 70 points. Also in the same Division, Runner-Up, but not far behind was Yaseen le Falher who shot a steady two rounds totalling 62. In Division B, David Guinane took control and played a brilliant two rounds of 68 points. In the same category, taking Third Place, Lorenzo Fantechi accumulated a very good score of 59 points. Apart from myself, we were also represented by Andreas Babiolakis and Nayel AlBorshaid who both performed very well, narrowly missing out on the Prizes. 

I am also pleased to mention that Mr Hobday and Mr Armstrong held strong against the Doha College teachers and halved both their matches. With the exception of the very slow greens, the Doha Course was in great shape which resulted in some superb golf. The course was challenging in parts and rewarding in others but never ceased to test our skills. The team enjoyed their time in Doha and can not wait to play both the course and the College again. We are currently practising for the Faldo Tournament which is due to take place in Al Ain in March and are hoping to bring the same prestige back with us to St Christopher’s. ~Faris Brough, Golf Captain 2013-14