News@st-Chris Vol 2.05/Jan 2014

Jan 082014
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A Festive Fit for a King

On Wednesday 27 November, Year 5 children at St Christopher’s School celebrated their Tudor Day as part of their work this term on the history of the Tudor Kings and Queens of England.

The corridors were full of rather overweight King Henrys (thanks to some carefully tucked in cushions), beautiful princesses and scary executioners as the children mad their learning come alive.

As well as doing a range of fun Tudor-based activities in class, they also enjoyed a fantastic Tudor feast catered by Ye Olde Dilmun Club and served by serving girls from the local village (the children’s mums!).

Serving Wenches

Murtaza from 5B (Henry VII on the day) loved the day saying that, “It was epic!”

The teachers also had a fabulous time with Mrs Bloodworth (Anne Boleyn) saying that she had a great time and was relieved to reach the end of the day with her head still on her shoulders.

Thank you to our fabulous mums for supporting the event, the wonderful music department for organising the Tudor music, the Year 5 team for their creativity and The Dilmun Club for their banqueting services.