News@st-Chris Vol 2.06/Feb 2014

Feb 062014
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January Swim Squad Swim Trials

On Sunday 5 January, 32 students from the Junior School attended swim trials. Pupils were asked to complete a 100m warm up and then competed against the clock in races in the different strokes. While the pupils were racing the swim coaches were taking notes on technique, stroke rules and laws, as well as strengths and weaknesses of the swimmers.

Congratulations to the following pupils who have gained a place on St Christopher’s Swim Squad.

Swim squad trials collage

Congratulations !!!    

Jacob Sum 3C Alice Brandreth 3E Olivia Shepherd-Smith 4D
Ferne Wilkins 4D Sofia Salaria 4F Michaela Hird 4A
Sonia Deshpande 5E Frederico Vecchi 5C Celine Abuzahra 6B
Yameen Rahman 4E Sophia Barraclough 3E Kizzy Wilde 4F
Tess Wilde 4E Charlotte Watts 3F


On Saturday 11 January the Senior School pupils also had the opportunity to enter the School Swim Squad. The expectations were higher and the students were asked to complete a 300m warm up, followed by timed races in all four strokes, followed by a 100m IM and finished with a continuous 10 minute swim to judge stamina.

Congratulations to Maud Tinsley, the only Senior School Student who managed to gain a place in the Senior School Swim Squad.