News@st-Chris Vol 2.06/Feb 2014

Feb 062014
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Helping in India

In December 2013, Celine Vaandrager in Year 12 reports: I helped cook 65,000 children’s meals and delivered and served them to an underprivileged slum school in Mumbai with the help of Annamrita Food Relief Foundation, donated and helped at the Salvation Army in Mumbai and donated six sewing machines and over sixty shirts and jumpers to an orphanage in Deonar. The sewing machines are very important for the children because it gives them an opportunity to learn a new skill and start to make money for themselves. We also donated art supplies to a slum school and taught the students English and basic artistic skills. The shirts, jumpers and art supplies were donated by St Christopher’s School. I met a lot of special and interesting people that helped me set new goals. Annamrita and ISKCON Food Relief Foundation are organizations that cook meals for 1.2 million children in India each day, so I had a great idea for a new goal: to raise enough money to feed 1000 children and provide them with free education every day for a year. I also had a meeting with the President of the Rotary Club of Deonar and Mr Jetly where we discussed plans for my 18th birthday. It is quite clear to me now that I want to build an agricultural institute which is open to anyone of any age, so that the farmers not only can stay in the farm with their families to get an income and not have to go to the city, but where farmers can bring their children when they are busy during the day working and the children can learn how to farm from a young age.

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