News@st-Chris Vol 2.06/Feb 2014

Feb 062014
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Outstanding Academic Achievement Awards Evening

The Outstanding Academic Achievement Awards Evening was held on Monday 6 January in the Saar Auditorium. This highly celebratory ceremony, which was attended by more than 250 students, families, honoured guests and teaching staff, was opened by the Principal, Ed Goodwin and Mahmoud Al Saeed, Senior International Business Manager, Edexcel International. The St Christopher’s Trio, comprising Lulu Al Sugair on Flute, Matthew Holman on Violoncello and Michel Toutoungy on Violin, performed BWV 1039 by J S Bach under the direction of their Instrumental Music Teacher, Werner Kremlicka prior to the presentation of Awards. GCSE Medals and GCSE Certificates were presented by Sael Al Waary, Chairman of the Board of Governors, assisted by Adrian Walker, Assistant Head of Senior School, Rola Al Hammoud, Head of Year and Mr Al Saeed. A-level Medals and A-level and IB Certificates were presented by Mr Al Waary assisted by Hilary Rowark, Assistant Head of Senior School, Andrew Beck, Head of Year and Mr Al Saeed. The Alumni speeches were made by Bhavna Ramachandran, who is studying Medicine at Downing College, Cambridge and by Sarath Pillai, who is studying Economics with Engineering at Brown University, USA. The closing address was given by Nick Wilson, Head of Senior School, which was followed by the Vote of Thanks proposed by the Head Girl, Tamara Kawash and the Head Boy, John Konrad Sanderson. The ceremony concluded with refreshments and formal photographs.

Awards  collage