News@St-Chris Vol 2.07/Feb 2014

Feb 202014
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Year 7 Teaching and Learning Afternoon

On Monday 10 February, twenty eight Year 7 students hosted the annual Teaching and Learning afternoon to an audience of over 130 parents and students.  Over the previous five weeks, all Year 7 students were involved in the preparation of the afternoon. They produced presentations and videos, wrote their own scripts and organised the content of the afternoon. The quality of their presentations and hosting skills was outstanding. They gave feedback on what life is like in Year 7 and the experiences they have had so far at the Senior School.  A special mention must go to Aesha Al Jowder 7E and Callum Matthews 7H who hosted the afternoon. Miss Lewin organised the fantastic musical performances from the Year 7 Girls’ Choir and the Duet performance by Crea Butlin and Jasmine Atkinson. The afternoon was an informative and enjoyable event. The Year 7 students should be proud of their achievements in such a short time frame.