News@St-Chris Vol 2.07/Feb 2014

Feb 202014
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 Curriculum Workshops for Parents

Parents of children from across the Infant and Junior Schools attended a Curriculum Workshop on Monday 10 February in Saar. The aim of the workshop was to focus on areas of the curriculum that were not the core subjects of English, Maths and Science and to give information on what we teach in these subjects and answer parents’ questions. On arrival, parents were handed a map indicating the many activities on offer and they were then guided by the team of willing staff volunteers. Children were involved in demonstration lessons in music, swimming and DT in order to give parents a flavour of what their own children experience in these lessons.  Teachers were on hand to share examples of planning and children’s work in PE, Humanities, Art, Arabic for non-natives and Arabic +. A Presentation on the various assessments carried out in School delivered by Mr Mannings proved particularly popular and gave insight into the assessment schedule for our pupils. Feedback from parents was very positive with many commenting not only on the quality and format of the presentations but also on the distance they travelled walking around the school.