News@St-Chris Vol 2.07/Feb 2014

Feb 202014
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Year 9 Geography Field Trip to Manama Souq

Faye Weaver, 9D, reports that during the first half term, our class, 9D, went on a trip to the Bab Al Bahrain Souq in Manama in order to collect information so that we can produce a project on the following question ‘Should the rest of Manama Souq be pedestrianised?’ We undertook various investigations, such as an ‘Environmental Quality Survey’, which we conducted in various places around the Souq, in order to observe our surroundings. We also asked shoppers and shop keepers to complete questionnaires to research not only our own but other people’s opinions on the Souq.  By taking photographs and making sketches we could further analyse the Souq at home and at school. This enables us to produce a Land Use Map, which is used to observe what different kinds of shops are in the Souq and the advantages and disadvantages of them and why they are located there. By using all of these techniques to gather information, our groups can each contribute our research to a final project which will be our major assessment this term for our interim grades.Year 9 Field Trip