News@St-Chris Vol 2.08/Mar 2014

Mar 202014
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Murderous Macbeth Comes to Manama


On February 13, Shakespeare 4 Kidz (S4K) were back in the Kingdom with their performance of Shakespeare’s tragedy, Macbeth. St Christopher’s students filled the auditorium for a memorable rendering of S4K’s interpretation of one of the Bards most famous books. With plenty of blood and gore, and a smidgen of comedy, the pupils were retold the story of how Macbeth’s greedy ambition to become King of Scotland eventually led to his grisly death at the hands of Macduff.

Yet again, S4K on a fantastic show full of humour, song and at times gore. Faiz Azfar from 6C remarked, “I thought the acting was really good, particularly Lady Macbeth who was an amazing actress.” Amna Al Matrook said that, “it was a fascinating show.  It was my favourite S4K play that I’ve seen so far.”