News@St-Chris Vol 2.08/Mar 2014

Mar 202014
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World Book Day

The Infant and Junior Schools celebrated World Book Day this year through two huge projects. First of all, over 1000 children from Nursery to Year 6 took part in our ‘Great Book Swap’, bringing in books from home and exchanging them for new, second-hand books. Any books left over will be donated to a local charity chosen by the children. Secondly, every child in the School produced a piece of writing on the day. This writing will be collated into a number of online books for the children, their family and their friends to read online. As well as those activities, children had to ‘drop everything and read’ after an announcement over the tannoy system! “We really had fun today, and I got two new books!” said Lucy from 3E. Mrs Brandreth from RB added, “The children are so excited about their writing going online.”

World Book Day