News@St-Chris Vol 2.08/Mar 2014

Mar 202014
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Duke of Edinburgh’s International Bronze Award

Mr Shorrock reports that this year saw the largest number of Bronze International Award students take part in the trip to Oman, with 101 students and 14 staff participating over two weekends (6 – 8 and 13 -15 March).  I am delighted to report that both trips were a great success. The format of the expeditions was changed slightly so that students could benefit from a training day before the main expedition. The training day involved a hike up Wadi Shab. At the end of the Wadi was a series of pools in which students could swim to cool off after their hot trek. These pools lead into the caves in the mountain side. Within these caves, the most daring of students (and staff) were able to jump off a ledge into the blue lagoon below. Friday and Saturday were the Expedition days and involved six hours of trekking each day, in a team with rucksacks full of equipment. On each Expedition, one group headed from the North Southwards, and the second group from the South Northwards. Both treks were equally challenging with students having to deal with a variety of terrains. Over the course of three days, students had to work as teams to get themselves through this arduous journey as well as cooking, eating and living in tents together.

D of E Oman