News@St-Chris Vol 2.08/Mar 2014

Mar 202014
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The Heat Is On!


At the start of March, alarm bells rang as the children in Year 2 visited Budaiya Fire Station. The excitement level on the buses en route was positively incendiary!

At the fire station we learned about the types of extinguishers to use for different types of fires and what the fire fighters do to help people. We explored the inside of a fire engine, and everyone got to have a go with a real fire hose on an actual fire!

Since coming back to school the children have been fired up to learn about the differences between modern firefighting and the way the Great Fire of London was tackled way back in 1666! They came back with a multitude of burning questions.

The children had a fantastic time and have learnt an awful lot of valuable lessons that can be used in their learning and in day to day life.