News@St-Chris Vol 2.08/Mar 2014

Mar 202014
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Visit of the Vienna Boys Choir

As part of the Bahrain Spring of Culture, on Tuesday 11 March, a large audience of over 450 students and staff at St Christopher’s School, including 23 Music students from the Junior School, were afforded the rare privilege of attending a performance by the world renowned Vienna Boys Choir comprising 22 students aged 10-13. In addition to recitals of their favourite pieces, the boys introduced themselves individually and talked about their life as a Chorister on tour and their daily school routine in Vienna.  One of the boys had visited 13 countries during his four years as a member of the Choir. They were very excited to be in Bahrain and the Middle East and sang a beautiful Arabic song with perfect pronunciation. They sang two other songs in German, but the time went too quickly! The Choristers were delighted by the warmth of the reception they received and, to further enhance relationships, asked if they could return and play a game of football. The Vienna Boys Choir versus St Christopher’s U13 side friendly match took place during lunch on Wednesday 12 March with a large and excited number of students on the touchlines. We look forward to the return of the Choir in future years.
Vienna Boys Choir