News@St-Chris Vol 2.08/Mar 2014

Mar 202014
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Nursery and Reception Visit to Al Areen

Al Areen

Last week, all the Nursery Reception children had a wonderful visit to Al Areen Wildlife Park. They were lucky enough to be joined by lots of Parent Volunteers who helped to guide the children around Al Areen Wildlife Park.

The children looked forward to seeing all the animals they had been learning about in class. Soon after arriving in school the children set off on their class bus, all the children ‘clunk-clicking’ their seatbelt safely, getting excited about what they were going to see, hear and learn! As they visited the different areas, the children completed their Al Areen notebooks: drawing lots of pictures of the animals they saw! As part of their visit the children enjoyed a lovely picnic lunch, before heading back to school to share all their learning with their friends and families.

Some of the children from RIA joined Nursery as part of the Nursery Community Service Project.