News@St-Chris Vol 2.08/Mar 2014

Mar 202014
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Year 11 Revision EveningRevision

On Tuesday 11 March, Year 11 students and parents attended a GCSE Revision Information Evening in the School Hall. The purpose of this annual event is to provide parents and students with advice and guidance relating to the preparation and revision for GCSE examinations. The highlight of the evening was an address by the Year 11 students themselves (Suad Eljawhary, Nicholas Kalis and Apoorva Sethuraman). They spoke extremely eloquently and confidently.  They also delivered the presentation to the Year 11 students during Enrichment the following day. In their talk, they suggested their preferred revision methods and gave tips for parents in helping their sons or daughters during the run-in to the GCSE examinations. Parents were invited to complete a Preferred Learning Styles Questionnaire, helping to demonstrate the importance of knowing one’s strengths when selecting a method of revision. They also created their own flashcard resource and faced a short quiz to determine how effective the information had been absorbed! Further advice on different revision methods and how to keep a healthy, active mind was introduced by Adrian Walker, Assistant Head of Senior School, and Ms Rola Al-Hammoud, Head of Year 11. We wish all students every success in their forthcoming examinations in May and June 2014.