News@St-Chris Vol 2.08/Mar 2014

Mar 202014
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First Year 8 CampYear 8 Camp

Forty-nine Year 8 students and five members of staff left Bahrain on the evening of Wednesday 12 March for the very first Year 8 Camp. Travelling to Muscat, students were greeted at the airport by the BSME affiliated company, Global Edventure Travel, and we were quickly whisked off to the beach campsite. Students were organised into tents and it was not until we woke up to the most magnificent sunrise the next morning did it really sink in that they were actually there. The first morning, we were briefed on the programme for the next three days. Great fun was had by all as our first activity was to construct a seaworthy raft in teams and we competed against each other in a race. Other activities included cycling, rock climbing, abseiling, snorkeling, kayaking, a visit to the fabulous Muscat Souq and hiking.  The evenings were full of activities too, including an egg-drop competition. On the last night, we were treated to a fantastic BBQ and then ended the evening toasting marshmallows around a campfire. On our final day, the whole group enjoyed a traditional Arabic breakfast on a beautiful dhow. The camp finished on Saturday afternoon and some very sandy campers arrived back in Bahrain exhausted, but having had a great experience.