News@St-Chris Vol 2.08/Mar 2014

Mar 202014
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Basketball – Senior BoysTeam Picture @ Tournament

It was a long and challenging Basketball season for the Senior Boys, but ultimately very rewarding. The season started back in December and the team’s lack of practice showed as we got off to a bad start being resoundingly beaten 33 – 3 by a very skilful MKS team. After the Winter break, training started in earnest and the squad began to gain greater understanding of their roles. A well balanced team with power, skill, tactical awareness and enthusiasm started to emerge. We went on a 4 game winning streak, sweeping aside talented teams from Al Raja, BSB, Bayan and IKNS. Our final match of the season was against Bahrain School. The team that played MKS back in December would have been demolished by this accomplished side, but now we had other ideas. After the first quarter, St Chris were ahead, we managed to hold them off for two more quarters, but then, unfortunately, they forged ahead and we were narrowly beaten. The team was disappointed, but consoled by the improvement they had made over the season and the effort they had put into the game. Our finest hour though was saved for the Tournament. We made it through the group stages unbeaten, gaining revenge along the way in the re-match against Bahrain School. The Final was to be against MKS who had given us such a thumping in our first League game of the season. This time we were no push overs and the lead changed hands several times over the course of the game. Going into the final minute, the game was tied. We had some chances, but the Baskets would not drop and the game just slipped away from us! Again, disappointment, but also pride in a very determined team effort and hard fought Runners-up Medals. Well done to the entire squad for their determination, enthusiasm and camaraderie.

Player of the Season: Adam North

Most improved Player: Tariq Jallaf