News@St-Chris Vol 2.08/Mar 2014

Mar 202014
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Girls Football

The past season of Senior Girls Football really brought the team together and allowed us to create bonds between the Sixth Form and Year 11s. The team included both new students as well as members from last year’s team. The squad comprised: Farah Ghaly, Kate Addison, Yasmine Makkiyah, Eleni Tsappis, Yasmeen Al Koheji, Basma Hashemi, Rebecca Sutton, Janelle Anderson, Tamara Kawash (Captain), Georgia Moulder, Melinda Legg, Keilan Kabaloui, Rawan AlSaegh, Jana Al-Afoo, Megan Docherty and Manal AlArrayed. The squad was coached by Ms Sheppard and Cheerleader/Assistant Coach Mrs Pearce.  We thoroughly enjoyed our time playing, although we only played three matches, we won all games and we  were crowned League Champions!  In the Tournament, we played exceptionally well and out-played all the teams. Unfortunately, although we dominated Bahrain School in the Final, we lost 1-0 and came Runners-up. Well done to everyone for a great season of fantastic football!

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