News@St-Chris Vol 2.09/Apr 2014

Apr 102014
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St Chris Award

What a busy and tiring week for our St Chris Award students! On Friday 14 March, 13 students had their overnight camp. Survival skills were put to the test when they had to erect their own tent and cook a meal on a paraffin stove. Lots of fun was had too in the form of football rounders, frisbee throwing and a good old-fashioned game of hide and seek.

As part of their service to the community, some of the St Chris Award students took part in a sponsored mini biathlon on Sunday 16 March. A good team spirit helped all those involved complete a 400m swim and a 1km run.  Money raised will be used to buy sports equipment for migrant workers living in Bahrain’s labour camps.

Also this week, Yvonne Trueman will be visiting the school to collect a cheque for over 240BD. This money was once again raised by our dedicated St Chris Award students, and will be sent by Yvonne to an orphanage in Belize to help pay for visits to the seaside.

A massive well done to all those who have taken part in the St Chris Award 2013 -2014.

st chris award