News@St-Chris Vol 2.09/Apr 2014

Apr 102014
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Appointment of the New Student Leadership Executive Team

On Sunday 23 March, the applicants who made it through to the final stage of the Head Girl and Head Boy selection process were informed by Mr Wilson, Head of Senior School, of the outcome of the students and staff vote. We are delighted to announce that the following appointments have been made:

Head Girl: Hana Nasif

Deputy Head Girl:  Shaikha Al Musawi

Deputy Head Girl:  Kirsty Coyle

Head Boy:   Milan Malik

Deputy Head Boy:  Houssein Nahle

Deputy Head Boy:      Jake O’Neil

Members of the out-going and incoming Student Leadership Executive Team will attend an informal lunch with Senior Staff on Tuesday 15 April followed by a formal handover of responsibilities in the whole school assembly later that day. We wish to thank the outgoing team for their excellent work throughout their tenure and we wish the new team every success in their roles.
