News@St-Chris Vol 2.09/Apr 2014

Apr 102014
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IB Visual Art Exhibiton 2014

This year’s IB Visual Arts exhibition opened on March 31st to considerable acclaim from all who attended.  Invited guests had the opportunity to preview the work produced by Farian Anwar, Dena Dabbas and Noora Khan when the exhibition was formally opened by the President of the Bahrain Arts Society, Mr Ali Al Mahmeed. The stunning work on display was then open to the public from April 1st – 6th at the Senior School campus in Isa Town.

In her work, Farian Anwar focused on her cultural heritage by depicting physical and cultural aspects of Bangladesh. She enjoyed exploring texture and overlapping images, both of which have become prominent features in her work. Dena Dabbas aims to produce art which prompts the viewer to consider more carefully the physical and emotional experiences of the victims of violent conflict. Her work is an effective synthesis of powerful expression with a mature command of skill and techniques. An experimental approach is a key feature of Noora Khan’s work. She relishes using various media and found objects to develop texture, finding inspiration in artists such as Chuck Close and Sigmar Polke.

One of the key aims of IB Visual Arts is for the artist to convey a sense of self through the exploration of personally relevant themes and the work produced by all three students successfully encapsulates that objective. We congratulate them on their achievements at St Christopher’s and wish them every success with their future creative endeavours. 

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