News@St-Chris Vol 2.09/Apr 2014

Apr 102014
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BSME Games in Abu Dhabi

After months of training the U11 BSME team attended the BSME Games in Abu Dhabi in March. The 28 competitors were extremely excited at the prospect of competing in the region’s biggest sporting event. The team got off to a brilliant start brushing all of their opponents aside in the basketball. They beat the Modern English School of Cairo 8-0 in the final and retained their BSME basketball champions’ crown. The next day it was the turn of the footballers and netballers. The football squad did not concede a goal in the group stages and sailed through to the semi-finals. They then brushed aside Doha English Speaking School and were pitched against Cairo English School in the final. After hitting the post twice and not allowing the opposition into their half for the entire game, the game was decided in a penalty shoot-out. Unfortunately, luck wasn’t with us and we were placed 2nd. The netballers battled their way through the group stages, but just lacked the pace to emerge from the group stages into the finals. The following day was the athletics and swimming where we are pleased to say that St Christopher’s team placed first in many races. After two final gruelling events we placed 4th in both athletics and swimming. Lucy Hendy said,“ I feel really proud to travel to Abu Dhabi to represent me team and I had a great time” At the gala dinner that was held on the final evening St Christopher’s were awarded 3rd place overall out of 12 schools. “It was a great honour to participate in the BSME Games and I am so proud of my team of where we came” said Karmena Moriarty A great result! Well done to all of the BSME team who were:  

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