News@St-Chris Vol 2.09/Apr 2014

Apr 102014
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Community Service Assembly

Last week, the Junior School held the first of its two annual community and service assemblies. However, this time started a little differently than usual as Mrs Brandreth came to launch her community and service initiative to build and help run a school in rural Cambodia. The children were shown many images and even a personalized video showing us where the school was to be built. Lots of money will have to be raised, but in true St Chris style we are sure that everyone will rally together and produce amazing things for this worthwhile cause. If you want to know more than refer to the fundraising board in the school’s main foyer.

The assembly then continued with presentations from Years 5 and 6. Year 5 showed a video showing the creation of ‘Thank You Bags’ for our cleaning staff. Aboud from 5C said, “It just feels so good to help other people.”

Year 6 then spoke of ways they raised funds for St Christopher’s Cathedral Ecumenical Charities. Representatives from the church came to receive the cheque and spoke of the many ways in which the money will be used to help families within The Kingdom of Bahrain.

To top off the assembly Aubrey from 3F share a presentation about her family’s trip to Uganda during the holidays. They took donations to schools and even taught lessons!

We all look forward to next term when we will be hearing from Years 3 and 4!