News@St-Chris Vol 2.09/Apr 2014

Apr 102014
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Unplugged Vll 

On Thursday 20 March, we had our second Unplugged concert of the year and, yet again, it showcased the impressive musical talent that we have here at the Senior School.  There were solo performances as well as group renditions of classic rock songs and new chart hits.  Students from every Year group took part and demonstrated their passion and commitment to their perfromances. It was a perfect setting to hear some of the new talent within the school as well as witness one of the last performances from our Sixth Form student Clara Moschetta, a naturally gifted and inspirational musician who will be sorely missed at Unplugged concerts in the future. Her version of Kanye West’s Heartless will be hard to top as she collaborated with Rayan Bannaei from Year 12 to create an incredibly professional and dramatic jazz infused performance. With a whole group performance of ‘Don’t Stop Believin’ to end the night, there was full audience appreciation of the hard work and dedication put in by all students involved. An unforgettable evening, thoroughly enjoyed by all those who came to support.
