News@St-Chris Vol 2.09/Apr 2014

Apr 102014
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Project at NBB Rehabilitation Home for Disabled Children in Isa Town

Year 10 students have been chosen to take part in an exciting new project at the NBB Rehabilitation Home for Disabled Children in Isa Town. Community Service Development Officer, Ms McKay, Head of Year 10, Mrs Kathryn Beck and nine Year 10 students visited the Home for Disabled Children after school on Thursday 20 March. What can be so exciting that we would stay late after school on a Thursday? Well… it is the opportunity for our Year 10 students to design and create large portable murals for the walls of the Physiotherapy room. For the project to get underway, the students had to measure the walls and listen carefully to the design brief the nurses gave to them. Incorporating wheelchairs and walking frames into their designs is of the utmost importance to the Physiotherapists, Nurses and, of course, the children.  The students now have a timeline of two weeks to create the designs and, as soon as they get the go ahead, the students will be spending an hour a week painting on large mural boards. Watch this space for updates! Hanna Selim, 10E, reports: What a productive time we had there! It was wonderful to physically see the space that we are going to be working in and it was an honour to meet the Director and Physiotherapist who were fascinated to hear our ideas for brightening up the bare walls.  We all feel very privileged to be part of this exciting venture! This is one of my favourite community service projects!