News@St-Chris Vol 2.09/Apr 2014

Apr 102014
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Charity Raft Race

On Friday 28 March, St Christopher’s Senior School entered a team into the Rotary Club of Sulmaniya’s annual Charity Raft Race for the first time.  Messrs Ebbs, Goucem, Jardine, Lee, Little, Mole, Plunkett, Pollard, Stewart, Tayler and Witton took part in the competition which is part of the ‘Kids-in-Need’ project and is one of Bahrain’s biggest charity events, raising over BD50,000. Around forty teams competed in the 38th annual Raft Race, which was held at the Al Bandar Hotel and Resort. After accumulating several minutes of training over subsequent weekends, the team competed in two heats that took place in open waters, winning the first heat and just being pipped for first place in the second heat.  The team came 12th overall and would certainly have won the ‘most comical disembarkation award”, had there been one, for their performance in the second heat that saw half of the team disappear off the back of the raft into the depths in acrobatic style!

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