News@St-Chris Vol 2.09/Apr 2014

Apr 102014
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Sixth Form Charity Football Tournament

On Friday 28 March, thirty one teams comprising almost 300 students from Years 5 to 13 took part in the Sixth Form Charity Football Tournament at the Saar Campus. Each player contributed BD1 to play and each adult spectator paid BD1 to enter the ground. To entertain guests during the event, the Student Leadership Team organised a range of stalls; pizza and shawarma were available and the latest tunes accompanied the efforts on the four pitches. A real carnival atmosphere prevailed throughout the day and we are indebted to the staff and student referees who toiled away in the heat, including Mr Wilson, Head of Senior School, who officiated at the last match in the Years 11, 12 and 13 category. Special thanks is extended to the HR staff in Saar and to the medical team from the International Hospital who looked after a range of scrapes and bruises. The presence of an ambulance on site was extremely reassuring given the competitiveness of the fixtures. The day was deemed a great success by all, which is full testimony to the leadership and organisational skills of the Sixth Form Committee. More than BD400 was raised which is going to be used to purchase items for the patients of Salmaniya Hospital’s Children’s Ward.