News@St-Chris Vol 2.09/Apr 2014

Apr 102014
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Decorating Alosra

As many of the community are aware (and eagerly anticipating!), Alosra will shortly be opening a store just across the road from the St Chris Saar Campus, in the Nakheel Centre. Whilst they work on getting the store ready, they asked for the help of our Infant and Junior students with decorating the boarding which will cover the storefront until the official opening – scheduled for later this month.

The students were provided with A4 foam board “tiles”, and were asked to decorate them with pictures of what they would like to see sold in-store – plenty of scope for young imaginations! Seven hundred boards were distributed in total, and a team of student volunteers went over to help put the boards up. Principal Ed Goodwin, Head of Juniors Wendy Bataineh, Head of Infants Ian Fellows and Junior School teacher Rob Stevenson also took the chance to take part in the activity!

A lot of great ideas had been carefully thought through and illustrated beautifully – pink light bulbs, peppermint cream chocolate and an octopus to name a few – some students had even opted for 3D creations using clay and cardboard!

According to the store management team, the activity was aimed at realising the impact a community can have on local business – and now that all the boards are up, the Alosra management team intend on going through each and every one, with the hopes of ensuring (wherever possible!) that all the illustrated products are available in the store!

Al Osra