News@St-Chris Vol 2.09/Apr 2014

Apr 102014
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Shiver Me Timbers!

The last week in March saw the curtain raised on this year’s fabulous Year 2 production, all about the adventures of Blackbeard the Pirate and the fictional time he decided to take his wife Molly on an adventure.

It was a fabulous production and the children accomplished the impossible – the entire show was put together in just 6 rehearsals (plus the dress rehearsal). Yes! The children only went into the hall 6 times in total to try their lines, sing their songs and work out some amazing choreography.

All the children looked fantastic in their colourful bandanas, waistcoats, pirate eye-patches, scars and tattoos! Well done, Year 2!

A huge thanks to the Year 2 team, Mrs Holman and Miss Lambert for their hard work. Also a great big thank you to the parents who supported with scenery and face painting.

Plans are already underway for next year. Watch out Year 1! It’s going to be epic!