News@St-Chris Vol 2.09/Apr 2014

Apr 102014
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Global Citizens Day

Global Citizens Day is one that is always loved by staff, parents and children alike and this year’s event was no exception! The children started the day with a fabulous National Costume Parade wearing wonderful outfits – the colours and styles were truly magnificent and the whole school was awash with colour! All the children, staff and parents wore clothes and costumes which represented their chosen country, and paraded around the school to an admiring crowd made up of Mums, Dads, Grandparents and family friends! The Nursery children had their own special mini-parade and the Reception children joined the main parade showing of the truly multi-national nature of their classes.

A vast array of international foods was provided for our Year Group International Buffets and the children enjoyed trying tempting Danish meatballs, English Yorkshire puddings and traditional Greek vine leaves. As always, the range of food reflected the many nationalities of our student and parent body: Arabic sweets, Indian delicacies, Scottish shortbread and Anzac biscuits to name but a few of the items for students to indulge in. Thank you for all our tasty contributions!

Infant children were joined by their Junior buddy classes, and with Global Passports in hand, visited the amazing Country Stalls. The Country Stalls were truly incredible creations put together by our parent community to help the children to learn more about the countries that make up our school community. It was wonderful to see the Lebanese Mums singing in chorus, the English Mums dancing round the maypole and the Canadian contingent teaching the children to play ice hockey. All the stalls were magnificent and our children had a fabulous time visiting them.

 The Junior School children enjoyed sessions on global citizenship followed by year group based activities on ‘Fairtrade’. Fairtrade is about better prices, decent working conditions, local sustainability, and fair terms of trade for farmers and workers in the developing world. Children in the Infant School engaged in hands on activities as they learned about recycling, endangered animals and their habitats, and saving water.

The children looked fantastic in their costumes, some of which can be seen here. Many thanks to the children for bringing such warm smiles with them on the day. You all looked wonderful! We would also like to thank all our parents for their generous support, without which the day would not have been possible.

A huge thank you to all the children who made a donation towards our Go Global Cambodia project.  We made a grand total of BD2693. Out in Cambodia at the moment, the site is being cleared in order to start building the school.  This money has helped to buy the materials and labour costs.  Thank you all.