News@St-Chris Vol 2.10/May 2014

May 152014
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Go Global Cambodia Update

Wow! A fabulous amount has already been raised for our Cambodia School project. We started our fundraising on Global Citizen Day where we raised over 2000BD.  Since then we have had lots of children independently fund raising in their own time, from selling bracelets to bake sales to toy sales!  The Year 3 classes raised money through selling bags they had made as part of their DT project and Nursery have carried out a ‘Exchange your Change for Learning’ campaign – with a trophy being awarded to the class who raised the most money (well done Nursery D).

Look out for information on future fund raising events coming your way.  A table top sale will be held this term in the Junior Hall and a quiz night is being planned for our return to school in September. 

Well done to everyone as our new total raised so far stands at 3800 BD.

Ribbet collage-10