News@St-Chris Vol 2.10/May 2014

May 152014
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Proud Assembly – 29 April 2014

Everyday, we work and play, learning ways to get along, finding out, what life’s about, everybody moving on…

After the whole school joined in with our catchy “Together” song, Tom from 6E then got our assembly off to a soulful and tuneful start with his trumpet playing. Riddhiman, also from 6E, told us just what it meant to him to get a black belt for Karate and astounded us with a skilful demonstration. Both of the boys clearly illustrating the importance of regular practice to develop and improve.

We were delighted to hear from Easan in 5E to learn of his dedication to the game of chess and his success at the recent tournament in Doha.  His avid enthusiasm and huge motivation for the game were very evident. In fact, only a week after returning from Doha, Easan also won the St Christopher’s (Saar) Chess trophy for the second year running.  Idrees from 3A also showed us his chess trophies and spoke to us about the enjoyment he derives from the game. It was clear from both of these presentations that the boys are gaining lots of confidence from their excellence at such a demanding game, which is helping them develop a high level of strategic thinking.

Qays in 5C had to show great resilience when our internet connection in the hall was unable to run his ‘garage band’ composition through our speakers. Fortunately, ‘with a little bit of help’ and lots of perseverance we got there in the end and we were all very impressed with Qay’s original composition.

Rebecca (5A) entertained us with another musical interlude and described for us her learning journey to get to this point. She looked completely at home at the seat of our grand piano and played beautifully. Well done Rebecca.

From Mrs Judge’s class, Fatima, Zarey and Aleeza have been baking and raising money for the charity ‘Rainforest Alliance’ outside of school having first been inspired to do so by their humanities topic. Rida and Alfreda (also 4E) turned their hands to making cupcakes and raised funds for our Cambodian “build a school” appeal. Well done to all of them for taking such commendable action and raising money for valuable causes in their own time.

Our assembly came to a close when Deena and Layla (3E and 3F respectively) told us all about their feelings on seeing and learning more about ‘street children’ whilst in Egypt. The girls shared their thoughts about how to help the children. The girls revealed maturity beyond their years when they recognised that just giving the children money was not enough. Layla’s poetry, which she had been moved to write after learning of the street children’s plight, was truly inspiring and revealed a real creative aptitude.

A wonderful assembly – we are proud of you all!

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