News@St-Chris Vol 2.10/May 2014

May 152014
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Once again, and for the fifth time now, our Year 6 and three Year 5 students will sit the Delf Prim A1.1 exam at the Alliance Française on June 7.

DELF Prim is the first level in the DELF / DALF series of certificates awarded by the French Ministry of Education for proficiency in French as a foreign language.

DELF Prim is intended for children who are beginners in French as a foreign language and who are either undertaking studies corresponding to the French elementary level or are the right age to undertake such studies under the regulations applicable in their country. Successful candidates receive a certificate identical to the general public version.

DELF Prim is composed of individual certificates corresponding to the initial levels of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFRL).

Our Year 6 students are very motivated when preparing themselves for the challenge. We wish them all the best.  As we said in France; “Bonne chance!”

Ribbet collage-10

Year 5 students:


Year 6 students: 
