
Jul 032014
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This year’s Junior Community and Service Day turned in to a whole school celebration here on the Saar campus. The day started with an assembly to highlight some of the service projects that have happened this year. The children were asked to think about small acts of kindness that can lead to making the world a better place. We were also told a little more about our school’s Go Global campaign to raise funds for a school we have built and are now maintaining in Northern Cambodia.

Each child from Nursery to Year 6 was asked to pay BD1 to paint a large pebble. Every year group was given a different theme for their pebble – as you can see from the pictures some of the designs are fantastic! The idea was inspired after the Infant and Junior School Council’s visited The Nadine School in Um Al Hassam; so thank you School Council.

 Infant and Junior classes buddied-up on the day, with the Junior children helping the Infants with their design and painting. All the children loved spending time with each other and as a result more visits were planned in the last week of school.

 The pebbles will be varnished over the summer holidays and placed around the school in prominent places – some where you may least expect!

 All-in-all this was a fantastic day with the children raising over BD700 for our charity and giving something back to improving our school grounds. Moreover, the children got to interact with one another and have fun; which made our very large school seem very small and cosy.
