
Jun 122014
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Year 12 IB Geog Field Trip2

Tehniyat Baig reports “The Year 12 IB students went to the Financial Harbour and the Manama Souq, on Monday 12 May, to gather information for our Geography Internal Assessment. The purpose of this field trip was to see to what extent the Central Business District of Manama conforms to the core and frame concept. To do this we used a wide range of methods to collect data and information, such as: Infrastructure and Environmental Quality Surveys, Building Height Surveys, Pedestrian and Traffic counts, Land Use Surveys, Questionnaires, Field Sketches and Photos. After collecting enough data in the professional atmosphere of the Financial Harbour, we relocated to the sweltering hot Souq. Luckily, after collecting data for over two hours, we were able to take a break from the heat and have a brief respite in the newly refurbished part of the Souq. Although it was tough to get enough questionnaires filled in for our research, especially because of the language barrier, we managed to collect sufficient data and just in time for our deserved lunch break. Despite the immense heat and orientation issues in the Souq, the trip was definitely an experience, and improved our navigation, communication and team work skills. In addition to that, I feel that our geographical knowledge of Bahrain’s Central Business District was truly enriched. We became more aware of the differences between the Financial Harbour and the Souq, as well as gaining ample information to write up our Geography IAs which will be completed by the first week of November.

Year 12 IB Geog Field Trip