
Jun 122014
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Wednesday 21 May saw Year 4 enter a time machine which resulted in the whole year group being transformed into a world of frenzied Olympians, scrumptious Mediterranean cuisine and skilful Greek craft making.

The day started with the opening ceremony when the Olympic flame was lit by the mystery athlete…otherwise known as Mr Mannings! The echoes of genuine sportsmanship, the clanking and scraping of classical crafts being made and the wonderful talent show combined to create a really authentic atmosphere.

With the Olympic Games and Greek craft making complete, the children in their individual city states, headed for the Junior Hall where a deliciously traditional feast awaited them. The Corinthians, in the shape of 4D, were informed of their victory at the games after which the students enthusiastically tucked in to their moussaka, cheese pies and traditional salads. The Greek citizens left at the end of the day… reflective, happy and with a Greek coin and mask to remind them of their wonderful adventure.

Year 4 Greek Day