News@St-Chris Vol 3.02/Oct 2014

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Debating and Deliberating 

The third ChrisMUN Conference was held from Friday 26 to Saturday 27 September 2014 and was formally opened by addresses from Nick Wilson, Head of Senior School, His Excellency, the Russian Ambassador to the Kingdom of Bahrain, Mr Victor Smirnov and Ms Zainab Ali and Mr Isa Saeed from the Red Crescent Society. The Conference was a distinct celebration of the significant achievement of the Sixth Form Student Leaders at St Christopher’s School. Their energy, drive and enthusiasm were a delight to behold over the two days. Running a conference catering for 250 high-calibre delegates from schools across Bahrain is no mean feat, as we all appreciate. Anirud Gupta and Marc Kalis, ChrisMUN Directors, are worthy of particular mention as they proved indefatigable in manner throughout, ensuring the smooth running of the many Councils, all led and presided over by highly capable Student Chairs. Over BD2000 was raised for the Red Crescent Society. Participating students and accompanying staff all acknowledged the professionalism of the student organisation and all are looking forward to ChrisMUN 2015.
