News@St-Chris Vol 3.02/Oct 2014

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Walk with the Animals

What a great time we had on Animal Hullaballoo Day!  We were greeted at the door by an array of animals; tigers, giraffes, bears, monkeys, rabbits and sheep to name but a few!  Luckily they all got along throughout the day!  As it was also National Poetry Day, the children had a chance to hear and act out a range of animal poems. 

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They also learnt about some endangered animals in the UK, and, after a vote, Reception have decided to help look after the hedgehogs. We will do this by sponsoring a hedgehog through the Prickles Hedgehog Rescue website. The children had a super feast and enjoyed many animal themed activities throughout the day. Thanks to all the parents who supported this event by providing such super costumes for the children.

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