News@St-Chris Vol 3.04/Dec 2014

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World Kindness Day was celebrated by everyone at St Christopher’s. The buzz around school building up to November 13 was unstoppable. Children in every year group were carrying out Random Acts of Kindness at school and at home, and it was clear that everyone was infected with the Kindness bug! The build up to Work Kindness Day was especially exciting for St Christopher’s very own Kindness Squad, who had come up with lots of wonderful ideas for the day. Staff, parents and pupils were met at all the gates across the school with free hugs, high-fives, stickers and special treats hoping to spark the kindness in everyone.

It was an incredible day, a huge success and could never have happened without the commitment of the Kindness Squad, volunteer teachers and parents that baked all the delicious treats! We hope that everyone was able to recognize that being kind feels good, and is as easy as a free smile. The Kindness Squad will continue their work next term and we are always happy to welcome new members from both the Infant and Junior Schools.

Don’t forget to carry out a Random Act of Kindness during the holidays!
