News@St-Chris Vol 3.04/Dec 2014

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Digging Up the Past with Year 6


Year 6 children all enjoyed an historical tour of Bahrain on Monday 1 December. As part of their ‘Archaeology’ topic, they visited the Bahrain Museum, the Bahrain Fort and the Saar digs site.

The children were encouraged to bring their mobile phones, iPads and cameras so that they could digitally record evidence about what life was like in the Dilmun period. They are planning to use their information to construct models of an ancient Dilmun settlement.

It was a fantastic day and the use of devices and digital media really helped with the information-gathering. However, there was still room for more traditional fun as some of the children got into role as date farmers, fishermen and merchants in the Saar site and acted out what life was like back in those days.

“Can we go back soon?’ has been a common refrain from the children as they had so much fun. All of Year 6 are now busily making their model settlements which they hope to have on display very soon.