News@St-Chris Vol 3.04/Dec 2014

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Thailand Stall at The Festive Fayre

Thailand Festive Fayre Stall

Our Thailand Stall at the Festive Fayre was a resounding success for the second year running. Students and teachers helped to bring the handmade scarves and the colourful baggy pants all the way back from Thailand, in the hope that we could, yet again, raise enough money to sponsor another child for three years at school. The boards, full of pictures, (were finished eventually after the students had reminisced, laughed and chatted about the wonderful trip and their memories of the Thai children…then the next morning – down came the rain!  Ultimately, the weather proved to be a winner for our stall. Despite the disappointment at losing our beautiful boards, to the thunderous rain and wind, we were delighted to find out that Ms Percival and the Godsaves had bagged a spot for us right at the front door of the school. With Mrs Bataineh’s permission of course! Who could miss us? A massive ‘thank you’ must go to all who set up and worked on the stall. We have now secured a further BD340, enough money to allow one more child to move a little bit closer to their dream of finishing high school, something we, here in Bahrain, take for granted. Currently, St Christopher’s students and staff, along with the Shamma family,  have enabled twelve Thai students from the Fang district in Thailand to attend and, hopefully, in the future, finish High School. If you, or family and friends, are interested in sponsoring a student for three years the cost is BD340. For further information please email me at