News@St-Chris Vol 3.05/Jan 2015

Jan 222015
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On Monday 8 December, Year 7 hosted their annual Teaching and Learning Afternoon.  All Year 7 parents were invited along to the event, which was organised almost entirely by the Year 7 students. The event, which was compared by Lehar Katswar and Ross Grobler, lasted for around one hour, and each Tutor Group presented an important aspect of life in Year 7.  These included:

  • 7A: top tips for next year’s Year 7
  • 7B: account of their lessons
  • 7C: different learning styles
  • 7D: experience of Enrichment and Form Time
  • 7E: a typical day
  • 7F: reflections on Junior and Senior experiences
  • 7G: extra-curricular activities
  • 7H: favourite Places

Y7 Teaching

At the end of the presentations, David Williams, Assistant Head of Senior School, addressed the audience and congratulated the Year 7s. Visitors then had the opportunity to speak to Form Tutors and students.  All of Year 7 worked very hard on preparing for the event, and the speakers presented very well.  I would also like to say a big ‘Thank you’ to the Form Tutors who helped their Tutor Groups organize their presentations and attended the afternoon. Well done to everyone who was involved in creating such a successful event. ~ Sarah Friar, Head of Year 7