News@St-Chris Vol 3.05/Jan 2015

Jan 222015
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Warming up for the Holidays 

We ended the term with a fantastic festive House assembly! It was jammed packed with fun and excitement! We started off with a great warm up that involved timing, acting, numeracy and managing distractions! Yes, the “12 days of Christmas!” Mr and Mrs Teague discovered whether they were on Santa’s naughty or nice list before showing us all the actions to perform for each day of the song. Just to make it more complicated, the entire hall had different parts to play where they had to stand and sit at different times! Just to make it even trickier, Mr Coast surprised the audience with a guest appearance, dressed as a partridge! Everyone did a great job and it was a lot of fun!

Festive Ass2

The House Captains led us through next term’s events and showed a video round up of the fabulous Sports Days we had earlier in the term. They also introduced the House competition which involved wrapping up giant teddy bears blindfolded. Well done to Mr Marshal from Falcon, Miss Cowx from Kestrel, Mrs Dales from Merlin and Mrs Calder from Osprey! They were great sports! The audience particularly loved seeing Mr Marshal and Mrs Calder on Santa’s naughty list! Luckily for Miss Cowx and Mrs Dales, they found themselves on the nice list!

The assembly finale saw Mr Dales, Miss Bataineh and Mr Holness being iced in the ice bucket challenge! This was initially scheduled for the Festive Fayre but was cancelled due to the rain. We couldn’t possibly let them get away with not doing it so the paddling pools came out and the stage was covered in plastic to allow for us to soak them in full view of the entire school! Well done to Muznah from RF who gently dribbled cold ice water over Miss Bataineh; Aaliah Al Jowder and Noorie from 2E who made sure that Mr Dales was suitably ice cold after a gruelingly long pouring; and Lilly Bull from 4F who did a great job at dousing Mr Holness in style! Well done everyone! The assembly had a great festive feel and has set us up for a fabulous holiday!

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