News@St-Chris Vol 3.05/Jan 2015

Jan 222015
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Nothing like a bit of friendly Competition

Volley vs Cleaners

At the end of the Autumn Term, we held a rematch of the Cleaners v Teachers Volleyball game. At the start it seemed as though the Cleaners were on a winning streak and the staff had a battle to catch up, but catch up they did, and yet again the Teachers took the title. However, I have to say that the training organised by Mrs Hobday for the Cleaners most definitely paid off; I believe the Teachers will have a tough time beating them during the next rematch at the end of the Summer Term. Students brought in old but good pairs of running shoes; this time all of the Cleaners had a pair to play in. So you can know a little about our Cleaners we have a small write up from Lok, the star Volleyball player and his friend, Raj below:

Hi, my name is Lok Pun, I am 29 years old and I am Nepalese. I came to Bahrain to work eight years ago when I was only 21. Pokhana is my home town. I am married with one son who is 8 years old. He now goes to school, but because I am working in Bahrain I have only seen him four times. I go home every two years. I like Bahrain but it is very hot! I hope to stay here for another three years as I want to build a house in Pokhana. There are not many jobs in my hometown. We love to play Volleyball against the students and teachers. Mrs Hobday has been coaching our team when we play against the GCSE Volleyball group.

Raj Kumar is my name, I am 31 and from Karimnajar in Northern India. I have been in Bahrain for three years, I have a wife and three children aged 5, 3 and 1. The older two now go to school, and working here helps me pay the fees. After four years in Bahrain I would like to go back to my family in India. I am building a house and it will be hard to go back as I might not find work, but I want to be with my family, I miss them. Before I came to Bahrain I worked in an Indian plant seed company.

Ms McKay