News@St-Chris Vol 3.05/Jan 2015

Jan 222015
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There were Dancing Shoes Aplenty

The inaugural Sixth Form Winter Dinner and Dance was held at the Movenpick Hotel on Thursday 11 December 2014. This was a new initiative from the Student Exec Team, Head Girl, Head Boy and their Deputies, which attracted the interest of more than one hundred and thirty staff and students. This was a stylish affair, the venue for which was an intimate, beautifully decorated ballroom.  The event was opened by the Head Boy, Milan Malik and Deputy Head Boy, Jake O’ Neil. Following a reading of a variation on the poem Twas the Night Before Christmas, all enjoyed the sumptuous buffet. In addition to the dancing, entertainment was provided in the form of the ever popular Funsnap Booth, a Raffle and a Christmas Quiz. Carriages departed towards midnight, with all full of festive cheer.

6th Form Dance