News@St-Chris Vol 3.07/Mar2015

Mar 052015
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Hazing, Lets Discuss

On Thursday 5 February, Year 13 Psychology students from St Christopher’s were invited to visit the US Navy’s Fifth Fleet to discuss the topic of Hazing as part of their teaching and learning on Institutional Aggression. Other topics covered included vicarious learning, the process of De-individuation, Dispositional and Situational factors behind Institutional Aggression and Group Displays of Aggression such as Warfare. After initial introductions, three US Marines and one US Naval Fighter Pilot, all with recent front line experience of combat openly discussed the concepts being covered with the students in a controlled setting over a two hour period. Students were able to put their knowledge into more practical applications and reported the visit to have been invaluable.


Names from left to right:
Major Conlon Carabine, Colonel Todd Eckloff, Commander John “TINMAN” Tinetti, and
Lieutenant Commander Derek “TATER” Elliot.