News@St-Chris Vol 3.07/Mar2015

Mar 052015
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Faldo Series Golf Trip


St Christopher’s School Golf Team recently took a trip to Al Ain to participate in the 2015 Middle Eastern Faldo Series Qualifier. The trip as a whole was a great success; we had fun and enjoyed the benefits of staying in a 5 star hotel for the weekend and everyone on the team took away some valuable experience from playing in such a renowned competition. Although none of the team came away with prizes, we all played extremely well on certain days; (we just need to work on keeping it through to the second day! We all showed off our ability and represented the School to a high standard. A few players stood out on the trip with Ronan and Seb playing better than everyone had anticipated in their first big competition. Some of the older players, namely Nayel, Yaseen and Charles all showed some great ability and scored well through the majority of the tournament. Furthermore, Taimur handed in two very consistent score cards on the weekend and we are all expecting big stuff when he grows just a little more! I think it is safe to say that there are a few areas of our games that need to be worked on but when we have addressed those, we will be a fighting force to be contended with. Overall, the trip was great fun and I am confident that all members of the team, including Mr Hobday, enjoyed themselves and can not wait for the next challenge.  ~ Faris Brough, Golf Captain 2014-15

Golf AlAin