News@St-Chris Vol 3.07/Mar2015

Mar 052015
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“You can judge a man’s true character by the way he treats his fellow animals.” ~ Paul McCartney


On Friday 6 February, 18 Year 7 students, accompanied by Ms McKay, Ms Tebay, Mr O’Shaughnessy and Ms Friar, went to visit Tony the Dogfather to deliver pet food that had been collected by the Year group.  We also presented a cheque to Mr Waters, money which had been raised by Mr Plunkett, Mr Doherty, Mr Wilkins and their Year 6/7 team who sold Christmas decorations and raffle tickets in support of the Centre.  The students and staff had a thoroughly enjoyable experience, and were given a tour of the facilities, as well as having plenty of time to play with the animals. We would like to thank Tony and his team for an excellent morning, and all of the students who donated so generously.
