News@St-Chris Vol 3.01/Sep 2014

Oct 022014
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Choosing  Teams is the Hardest Part …

On Sunday 14 and Monday 15 September the PE Department held the trials for the Football Team 2014-15. Over 160 pupils turned out jostling for a spot in the coveted St Christopher’s Football Team. All children that attended the trial are selected for either, the girls’ football team, the development team or the full squad. After much marking, shooting, tackling and passing, the teams were finally selected and the team sheets placed on the PE board. The clubs will run for all 3 terms and we look forward to finding the next Gary Linekar.

Y5&6 Football B&G

Also on Wednesday and Thursday of last week over 130 boys and girls from Year 5 and 6 lay-upped and dribbled their way through the basketball trials, knowing that if they were successful they would be joining the BSME Games basketball winning team. We were really pleased with the effort and skills on display, with all children guaranteed a spot in the development team or full squad which runs for the next 2 terms. “I tried my hardest and I hope I did enough to get into the team” commented Angus McGuiness, a hopeful from Year 6.

Y5&6 Basketball

Netball trials for Year 5 and 6 girls were also held. Nearly 60 pupils attended, full of enthusiasm and eagerness. They girls showed off their passing ability, footwork, marking, and interception, shooting and moving skills. The girls have been split into three different squads, enabling the coaches to work with smaller numbers of pupils, thus giving more individual advice. We are really looking forward to attending some fixtures or tournaments this year.

Y5&6 Netball

The PE Department were very impressed by the determination and excellent sportsmanship shown by all those that took part in the trials.